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MNP Q&A: Claire Celdran, News Anchor for Solar News

Morning TV’s newest sweetheart graciously granted us this interview, where she discusses her stellar career in local and international news.



Photo: Solar News | Artwork: Media Newser Philippines

Name: Claire Celdran
Birthdate: August 20, 1977
Occupation: News Anchor/Correspondent, Solar News 
Education: Colegio San Agustin GS, Assumption HS, Assumption College
Media Idols: Ann Curry, Barbara Walters, Kristie Lu Stout, Erin Burnett, Meredith Vieira and the late Peter Jennings.
News Sources: CNN, BBC, NBC, The New York Times, Solar News, ANC, Rappler and Philippine Daily Inquirer.
Twitter Handle: @ClaireCeldran

“I enjoy working for Solar News,” says Claire Celdran, the newest co-anchor of the Sunny Network’s morning show, Solar Daybreak. It is her first high-profile job since returning to the local news industry in 2011, marking another milestone in her solid career as a broadcast journalist.

Celdran began her career at ANC, then known as Sarimanok News Network, in 1999. She later left the country and moved to the U.S., where she worked as a casting producer for television shows such as Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, The Bachelor, Elimidate, and Cash Cab on the Discovery Channel, among others.

In 2007, she joined Ebru TV in New Jersey, making history as the anchor of its evening weekend news program. She eventually became the anchor of their weekday noontime newscast, Ebru News, and the weekly news wrap-up, The Weekly Report, from 2008 to 2010.

Morning TV’s newest sweetheart graciously granted us this interview, where she discusses her stellar career, why she returned to the Philippines, her thoughts on the local media landscape, and much more.

You’ve made the jump from ABS-CBN News to Ebru TV, and now to Solar News. What made you decide to return to the local industry?
It was more of a personal decision than a career-driven one. After living in New York for ten years, I decided to move back to the Philippines to focus on a family business and, possibly, rejoin the local industry. I heard about a new English news network, Solar News. After learning more about it, I was convinced it was the right fit for my style of news delivery.

Ebru TV is no small feat. What was your experience with the network like?
Anchoring Ebru TV’s international newscasts for three years was a fantastic experience. I had the opportunity to work with local veteran TV news anchors like Logan Crawford and Nicole Fox. Reporting world news broadened my perspective and gave me a deeper understanding of how countries and regions operate and interrelate. I stayed up to date with global leaders, the latest technological breakthroughs, and advancements in science and health. Every day felt surreal because I was doing what I loved—sharing news that mattered, not just to a few but to the entire world.

You started your career at ABS-CBN News as a weather anchor and later became a news anchor. What was your experience at ANC like?
Working at ANC was my first job right out of college. I’ll never forget how it all started. Back then, the network operated out of the back of the Sky Cable office in JUSMAG. It was still called Sarimanok News Network (SNN) at the time. Those were great years for me. I was young and had the privilege of working alongside icons like Tina Monzon Palma and the late Angelo Castro Jr. I consider those years to be my formative ones, and they were truly a wonderful experience.

Having worked abroad and now back in the local industry, how would you compare the broadcast news landscape in the Philippines and the U.S.?
The U.S. is a superpower, while the Philippines is a developing country, so the issues in each country naturally differ. In the Philippines, every new administration brings in its own governance style and reforms. For example, the current administration has made government corruption a key focus, so news often revolves around that topic.

Another notable difference is how quickly news stories evolve in the U.S. When breaking news happens, the media develops the story swiftly, and it often reaches a conclusion in a timely manner. The issue doesn’t drag on for months, as can sometimes happen here. For instance, after the Boston bombing, the story progressed rapidly, and the suspect was caught and brought to justice soon after.

Do you plan to return abroad someday, or is Solar News your priority for now?
I enjoy working for Solar News. After spending 10 years working abroad, I’m still in “adjustment mode.” For now, my focus is on rebuilding my personal and professional life here in the Philippines.

So far, what’s the biggest story — or in your case, stories — you’ve covered, both locally and abroad?
In the U.S., the stories I enjoyed covering the most were the Financial Meltdown on Wall Street, the U.S. Housing Crisis, Tobacco Regulation, and Cyber Crimes. Locally, I was involved in Solar News’ 2013 election coverage. I also reported for ABS-CBN just hours after the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001.

You’re now anchoring Daybreak, and we have to say you’re the perfect morning show anchor. You’ve got that Katie Couric-Diane Sawyer vibe — smart, knowledgeable, and, let’s be honest, you look great on camera. Do you enjoy morning television?
Thank you for comparing me to Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer! Morning television is gradually becoming a part of me. I have to admit, I wasn’t much of a morning person before anchoring Daybreak, but you get used to it over time. In fact, I’ve come to enjoy waking up early and getting a head start on the day.

Daybreak is quite different from mainstream morning shows, with more news and less fluff. If you could program the show, what would you tweak, or are you satisfied with its current format?
I have a few ideas I’d like to possibly incorporate into the program. Since Daybreak is still fairly new, we are open to suggestions. We are constantly brainstorming new ideas and making sure we cater to our audience’s preferences.

How would you describe your boss, Jing Magsaysay?
Jing Mag and I go way back. He was my first boss at Sarimanok News Network, now known as ANC. He is professional, talented, and a joy to work with. He inspires many and is the main pillar holding the network together.

We’ve noticed you’re good at conducting interviews too, like the one you did with PPCRV Chairman Henrietta De Villa during election coverage. Which do you prefer: anchoring or reporting?
Both. I’m comfortable with anchoring the news, but I also enjoy going out and doing reports from time to time.

How would you describe your style as both an anchor and a reporter?
My experience working in both local and international news has taught me to merge different styles. I can adapt to deliver news and information to both local and international audiences.

In your more than a decade-long career, what would you consider your best work?
As a journalist, my best work would be the report I did on the U.S. financial crisis. During that story, I interviewed Wall Street analysts and the managing editor of The Economist, a world-renowned publication. The report focused on the events leading to the country’s economic meltdown and how the biggest financial institutions failed.

Do you watch the competition? Which shows outside Solar News do you enjoy?
I don’t get to watch TV much, but when I do, I sometimes catch The Bureau on ANC with Karmina Constantino. When I find time, I also watch the online newscast from Maria Ressa on Rappler.

Are you more into traditional media or are you embracing new media?
I find new media fascinating! Sometimes it’s hard to keep up, but in this day and age, it’s essential. I try my best to stay active and participate in it.

Which is more important to you: credibility or popularity?

Top rated or high praised?
Highly praised.

Family or career?
My family inspires me, so I’d have to say both.

Speaking of family, how do you juggle work and family life?
As the saying goes, “life is a balancing act.” I make sure to find time for my family without compromising my responsibilities at work.

Would you want your son or daughter to follow in your footsteps as a journalist?
If that’s what they want to pursue, I will support them unconditionally. Although I think my daughter has the makings of a Broadway performer [laughs]. I’m kidding — she’s only six, so it’s too early to tell.

What do you want to do next? What are your career goals?
For now, I want to focus on implementing some of my ideas for Daybreak and go from there.

What’s the best advice you can give to aspiring broadcast journalists?
Think outside the box! Find new and innovative ways to deliver a story. Most importantly, be yourself — don’t try to be someone you’re not.

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